May 30, 2023   / Uncategorized

What is scrum and How it Works?

what is scrum
5 minutes Read

Scrum is an increasingly popular project management framework used in software development. Based on an iterative and incremental methodology, Scrum allows teams to collaborate effectively on producing high-quality products while remaining productive during development cycles. In this article, we provide an in-depth review of Scrum, including its methodology, working principles, roles and responsibilities, comparison with Agile methodology, its importance within software development, frequently asked questions, and a concluding summary.

What Is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile project management framework used to oversee complex software development projects by teams. It emphasizes iterative development, continuous improvement, rapid adaptation to changes and collaboration among members while at the same time being customer-centric, allowing teams to deliver value sooner to customers.

What Is Scrum Methodology?

Scrum methodology provides teams with an iterative and incremental framework for organizing work into short periods known as “sprints,” typically lasting two to four weeks and culminating in potentially shippable product increments. It consists of specific events, roles, artefacts and rules designed to guide their workflow while providing effective communication and coordination among team members.

How Does Scrum Work?

Scrum breaks a complex project into small, manageable units called user stories or product backlog items that can be prioritized and added to a product backlog. Each sprint, some subset of those items are selected for implementation and added to a sprint backlog; together, the team collaborates in developing and delivering these incrementally, while frequent inspection and adaptation occur through various Scrum ceremonies such as daily stand-ups, sprint planning sessions, sprint reviews, and retrospective meetings.

Roles and Responsibilities in Scrum

Product Owner

A product owner represents stakeholders, establishes the vision, and manages the product backlog. They prioritize backlog items based on business value while providing clarifications to development teams to ensure they build the appropriate product.

Scrum Master

A scrum master is a servant leader who oversees and facilitates the Scrum process, ensuring teams adhere to Scrum principles, remove impediments that impede progress, and help teams become self-organized and cross-functional. A scrum master provides an environment conducive to productive teamwork.

Development Team

Our development team consists of professionals working collaboratively to deliver each product increment. As self-organizing and cross-functional groups, these professionals are responsible for designing, coding, testing, documenting and estimating effort requirements of backlog items and adhering to sprint goals while continuously refining practices.

Scrum VS Agile

Scrum and Agile are closely related concepts but have distinct distinctions that separate them. Here are the main distinctions between Scrum and Agile:

Scope and Framework

  • Agile is an evolving philosophy or mindset that stresses flexibility, adaptability, customer collaboration, and iterative value delivery while remaining responsive to changing environments.
  • Scrum is one of many agile frameworks. It systematically oversees software development projects emphasizing iterative development, continuous improvement, and rapid adaptation.

Level of Prescriptiveness

  • Agile is less prescriptive, providing general principles and values to guide project management while giving teams flexibility in choosing various methodologies and frameworks based on their needs.
  • Scrum is more prescriptive in terms of rules, roles, ceremonies and artefacts it specifies for teams to implement its framework effectively. It outlines practices and guidelines that teams should abide by to implement them successfully.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Agile projects typically feature flexible roles that facilitate self-organizing teams. Specific roles may change based on project requirements; team members often collaborate across specialized fields.
  • Scrum outlines specific roles and responsibilities, such as those for Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team members. Each has unique responsibilities which contribute directly to the success of a project in defined manner

Project Management Approach

  • In Agile project management, adaptive planning and iterative development methodology are prioritized, which enables organizations to accommodate ever-evolving requirements, solicit regular stakeholder feedback and embrace continuous improvement.
  • Scrum takes a more structured approach with time-boxed iterations called sprints that focus on producing potentially shippable product increments, including ceremonies such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint review and retrospective meetings.

Artifact Management

  • An agile project may use various artefacts depending on its methodologies, such as user stories, product backlog items, burndown charts or Kanban boards; specific artefacts may vary based on project needs.
  • Scrum uses specific artefacts such as the product backlog, sprint backlog, and increment to provide transparency, prioritize work efficiently, and track project progress throughout its entirety.

Applicable in Non-Software Projects

  • Agile can be applied beyond software development in various disciplines, such as marketing, research or product management, due to its emphasis on flexibility and collaboration.
  • scrum initially developed for software development projects, its principles and practices can easily be tailored to suit non-software endeavours. The key is understanding its core concepts before tailoring them according to project-specific requirements.

Agile is a mindset or philosophy emphasizing adaptability and customer collaboration, while Scrum is an implementation framework within this larger umbrella of Agile. Scrum provides greater structure and prescriptivity with its defined roles, ceremonies, artefacts, and rules, making it a popular choice for managing software development projects.

Importance of Scrum in Software Development

  • Scrum offers several advantages in software development, such as:
  • Adaptability to changing requirements
  • increased transparency and collaboration
  • early and frequent delivery of value
  • continuous improvement and feedback loops
  • empowered, self-organizing teams

Scrum can help to increase stakeholder engagement and satisfaction by providing teams with an agile methodology for quickly responding to changing project needs, mitigating risks, and emphasizing customer focus while creating more user-oriented software products with higher-quality features.


As an agile project management framework, Scrum has proven extremely effective for software development projects. By adopting its iterative and collaborative nature, teams can quickly produce high-quality products while increasing stakeholder satisfaction. With defined roles, ceremonies, and artefacts for project management as well as efficient changes requirements adaptation mechanisms incorporated within the Scrum framework – adopting it can foster an environment of agility that ultimately results in successful software development projects.

FAQ on Scrum

1. Can Scrum be applied to non-software projects?

While Scrum is often associated with software development projects, its principles and practices can also be used in projects outside this realm, including marketing campaigns, research initiatives, or event planning.

2. Does Scrum work for large-scale projects?

Scrum is highly adaptable and can be utilized for large-scale projects by employing additional frameworks like Scrum of Scrums or Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS). This guide coordinates multiple Scrum teams working collaboratively.

3. What are the differences between Scrum and Kanban?

Scrum and Kanban are agile project management frameworks, but each has distinct differences. Scrum relies on iterations (sprints), with each sprint focusing on producing potentially shippable product increments; Kanban emphasizes continuous workflow as it limits work in progress by visualizing workflow and visualizing iterations of work progress; Scrum provides more of an authoritarian structure, while Kanban allows more room for managing work

4 What happens if the scope changes during a sprint?

Scrum allows for changes to scope but suggests no significant modifications be implemented during a sprint. Should an issue arise that needs attention, the product owner and development team members should assess its impact on sprint goals before adding it to their product backlog for future consideration.

5. Can a Scrum Master serve on the development team?

Ideally, the Scrum Master should serve a separate role from their development team to maintain focus on facilitating the Scrum process. However, in smaller teams, it may be possible for their primary duties and responsibilities not to be compromised in this manner.

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