April 28, 2023   / Uncategorized

What is Agile Scrum Methodology?

agile scrum methodology
3 minutes Read

Agile Scrum methodology is a framework for software development that prioritizes teamwork, collaboration, and iterative development. Based on agile principles like transparency, inspection and adaptation, it comprises defined roles, processes and ceremonies such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning sessions, reviews of sprint progress, and retrospective meetings for retrospective analyses.

What Is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile project management framework designed to allow teams to work collaboratively and iteratively towards producing high-quality products iteratively and incrementally, emphasizing communication, feedback, and continual improvement.

Scrum in Software Development

Scrum is an increasingly popular software development methodology due to its adaptability. Designed to deliver working software quickly and frequently while prioritizing customer satisfaction, scrum ensures the software development process remains transparent, predictable, and adaptable.

Benefits of Agile Scrum Methodology

Agile Scrum methodology offers many advantages to teams, such as:

  1. Increased flexibility and adaptability to change
  2. Better communication and collaboration between team members
  3. Faster time-to-market due to shorter development cycles
  4. Increased customer satisfaction by delivering working software quickly
  5. Better quality of software due to continuous testing and feedback
  6. Increased productivity due to a focus on teamwork and self-organization

How Does Agile Scrum Work?

Agile Scrum works by breaking a project into smaller chunks called sprints. Each sprint is usually two to four weeks and involves team members working on completing specific tasks within that sprint period. A 15-minute stand-up meeting is held daily to discuss progress, roadblocks and plans for that day.

Beginning with product owner creation of prioritized tasks (also known as user stories), then choosing tasks for sprint backlog. At each sprint point, the team works collaboratively on those tasks in the sprint backlog and at its conclusion, they produce working increments of product.

What are the different roles in agile scrum methodology?

Agile Scrum methodology encompasses three roles, namely:

Scrum Master:

A Scrum Master oversees their team’s compliance with the Scrum framework and processes, such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning sessions and review meetings. They serve as coaches/mentors to their team, assisting them to work more efficiently while improving processes.

Product Owner:

A Product Owner is accountable for setting out the product vision, creating and prioritizing their backlog items, and working closely with stakeholders to ensure that each sprint delivers value to them and that their needs are met by their team.

Scrum Team:

The Scrum Team is accountable for completing tasks from its sprint backlog and producing working increments of the product by the sprint’s end. As self-organizing and cross-functional members collaborate collaboratively to complete tasks and address problems.

What are the differences between scrum and agile?

Scrum is an agile framework for software development projects that utilize its principles in software projects or its specific implementation – in other words; scrum stands as its form of Agile. Here are some differences between Scrum and Agile

  • Agile is a broad methodology for software development that encompasses values and principles; Scrum is a specific framework within Agile that follows these same values and principles.
  • Agile emphasizes providing value to customers through collaboration, feedback and continuous improvement, while scrum prioritizes developing working software in short iteration cycles known as sprints.
  • Agile projects rely on adaptability and responsiveness to changing requirements, while scrum provides a structured framework with clearly-outlined roles and processes.
  • Agile can be applied across various industries, while scrum is typically employed in software development projects.
  • Agile is more adaptable and flexible, while scrum tends to be more prescriptive regarding roles, processes, and ceremonies.


Agile Scrum methodology is an efficient way of managing software development projects. It offers a flexible yet adaptable framework, enabling teams to collaborate iteratively on high-quality products through collaborative efforts and iterations.

Turnkey Tech Solutions offers Agile methodology as a more efficient and effective working method, with better communication, collaboration, faster time-to-market and increased speed for product delivery. By adhering to Agile Scrum methodology, teams can ensure they deliver value to their customers and meet their needs effectively.

FAQs on Agile Scrum Methodology

1. What is the role of the product owner in agile scrum methodology?

A product owner is accountable for creating the vision, backlog, and prioritizing items.

2. What are the duties and responsibilities of a scrum master within agile scrum methodology?

A Scrum Master must oversee that their team adheres to all necessary processes related to the Scrum framework and processes correctly.

3. What is the role of scrum teams in agile scrum methodology?

Scrum teams in Agile Scrum methodology are responsible for completing tasks listed on their sprint backlog and producing working increments of their product after every sprint.

4. What are the benefits of agile scrum methodology?

Agile Scrum methodology offers numerous advantages, such as increased adaptability to change, more effective communication among team members and enhanced collaboration.

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